This is where I provide a "Thanks" to all whom helped in one way or another. 1. I'd like to thank Apple, for inspiring the hearts of all 'us theme makers. 2. I'd also like to thank Disciple, from for doing a great job on the OS X Icons. 3. I'd also like to thank Microsoft, for providing a cheap'and'easy way to Skin WinXP, even though they never intended to let us go this far. And last but not least. I'd like to extend a massive thanks to Eclipse ( For first creating the wonderful OS X Theme upon which my theme is entirely based on. Without his work, chances are I wouldn't have spent the time to really figure the theming language out. Thanks Eclipse! I would also like to thank UnSpec for making his awsome Aqua Theme- upon which the ScrollBars in this theme were adapted from, and the Buttons too! Thanks UnSpec! I also would like to thank J450, for a wonderful template for my new Start Menu Finder Bar upon which my work (NOT the images- those were done by me by using J450's images as a template to guide me.). Thanks J450!